Suite's sturdy aluminium frame made of a primary alloy supports the full-height, 10 mm thick, monolithic Madras Nuvola glass panels. The special construction technology of the system developed by Castiglia Associati and Vismaravetro does not need securing to the ceiling: this makes it possible to accommodate any micro-irregularities in the ceiling without having to adjust the fitting of each element down to a millimetre.
The wide range of Suite’s spatial and product configurations is based on the freedom to use fixed elements and elements that open. A special feature of the system, boosted by the possibility to open the doors 180° towards the outside. This solution increases the comfort of use, enabling the door to overlap the fixed panel next to it, without taking up any extra space. The new products developed for 2020 include additions to the range with new versions where the hinged door can be fitted directly onto the wall.